Doctors Orders 2: Dr. Johnny Donovan Stuffs Old College Bud Zack Mackay’s Bubble-Menatplay
Doctors Orders 2: Plastic Surgeon Dr. Johnny Donovan, MD is showing his old college buddy Zack Mackay around his new practice. Zack, a future partner at an accounting firm, is in town on business with his colleague Rocky Vallarta. The three men have dinner reservations to discuss business. When Rocky gets a phone call and steps away, Dr. Donovan admits to Zack that Rocky is hot. Not to worry, Rocky will be open to playing tonight Zack tells him. While they wait, Zack admits to Johnny that he recently hurt himself and the doctor orders him to jump on the medical bed. The doctor massages Zack’s inner groin and soon with scissors, discretely cuts and rips his suit pants revealing the big beautiful ass… Johnny Donovan (Deacon-Sean Cody), Zack Mackay, Menatplay.